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The HabbyClic Hip Hugger Lens Pouch

The HabbyClic Hip Hugger Lens Pouch

The HabbyClic Body Hugger Lens Pouch

The HabbyClic Body Hugger Lens Pouch

Saturday, June 30, 2007

The much awaited Body Hugger MK2!!

I know, I know, I know, you can stop the applause now! I have FINALLY got it right. Here are a few pics of me (very scary - Kate's a much better model than me!), sporting the lastest HabbyClic Body Hugger. I have made it out of the Green with yellow and pink spot fabric so you can see what it's like made up. You will also notice that it sits just fine on cuddly bodies (like mine). I deliberately filled the main pockets with 2 lenses and a sunglasses case (I don't own a light meter), just to show it in action.

Please feel free to email me with any questions about its size/fit.....or anything else!

Prices are on the post below this one!

Don't ask me what this pose is?!?!?

Retractable Cord Clip for Light Meter

1 comment:

Lee said...

These are beyond cool! Officially saving for one now!